Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn AP English Essay Example for Free

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn AP English Essay The? becoming? of? age? novel? Huckleberry? Finn? by? Mark? Twain? follows? the? progression? of? Huck? Finn’s? response? to? â€Å"sivilization†.? Miss? Watson? and? Widow? Douglass? struggle? in? their? attempt? to? give? Huck? a? respectful? upbringing,? but? having? an? absent? father? leads? him? to? make? his? own? decisions.? Huck? has? never? had? an? opportunity? to? learn? the? basic? fundamentals? of? the? civilization? surrounding? him.? Therefore? leaving? him? to? create? his? morals? based? off? of? first? hand? experience.? Huck’s? reaction? to? influences? trying? to? civilize? him? go? against? everything?  he? has? learned? from? his? gut? feelings,? the? question? is? which? one? is? right Throughout? the? course? of? the? novel? Huck? faces? the? necessary? opportunities? to? make? the? important? choices? that? develop? his? independent? moral? center? while? discovering? what? is? right? and? wrong. ? ? To? begin,? Huck’s? father? is? an? alcoholic? and? does? not? care? for? him? the? way? he? should,? leaving? him? to? stay? with? Miss? Watson? and? Widow? Douglas.? At? Miss? Watson’s? house? her? slave? Jim? the? second? main? character? is? introduced.? Huck? is? raised? in? the? same? way? every? other? white?  boy? is,? growing? up? around? the? idea? that? slavery? is? a? societal? norm.? After? Huck? receives? money? he? and? his? best? friend,? Tom? Sawyer,? discover? Huck’s? father? makes? an? uninvited? appearance? to? rob? his? son? of? all? his? earnings.? Huck’s? Pap? does? whatever? is? in? his? power? to? get? a? hold? of? the? money? after? Huck? gave? Judge? Thatcher? his? wealth? in? exchange? for? a? dollar.? Pap? takes? Huck? away? and? hold? him? in? isolation? far? in? a? cabin? in? the? woods.? The? little? trust? Huck? had? put? into? his? society? has? vanished? because? of? the? continuous? failure? in?  the? protection? the? system? should? provide.? Huck comes? to? the? brave? decision? to? escape? and? venture? out? on? his? own? down? the? Mississippi? to? escape? civilization’s? illogical? expectations.? ? ?Reflecting,? the? duration? of? his? stay? with? the? widow? and? Miss? Watson? Huck? learns? to? fear? the? act? of? becoming? civilized? because? civilization? is? a? loss? of? freedom.? Even? civil? Miss? Watson? the? devout? Christian? thinks? nothing? of? being? a? slave? owner.? The? morals? presented? by? society? is? nothing? Huck? wants? to? be? apart? of.? After? the? return? of? his? Pap? Huck? is?  under? constant? mental? and? physical? abuse? and? Judge? Thatcher? and? Widow? Douglas? fight? for? custody,? but? the? new? judge? in? town? does? little? to? help? Huck.? Based? off? the? poor? decision? making? of? the? town? wisdom? and? morality? is? questionable? among? higher? authorities.? The? allowed? cruelty? that? Huck? is? forced? to? endure? confuses? the? concept? of? good? and? bad,? right? and? wrong,? moral? and? immoral.? How? can? a? world? filled? with? so? much? cruelty? be? social? correct ? At? the? beginning? of? the? novel? Huck,? Tom? and? a? few? other? boys? decided? to? create? a? gang.? A? gang? that? consists? of? stealing? and? killing? people? without? a? care? of? what? happens? as? a? result.? These? thoughts? came? from? young? boys? who? thought? nothing? about? others? lives? and? the? consequences? that? come? shortly? behind.? Immaturity? at? their? age? is? very? prominent? in? the? words? they? use? to? express? themselves.? Huck’s? inexperience? with? death? quickly? changes? after? his? escape.? Huck? and? Jim? both? in? search? for? freedom? have? been? newly? alienated? from? society? on? finding? Jackson? Island.? The? worry? free? dreamlike? setting,? is? a? safe? peaceful? place? where?  food? is? abundant.? After? both? making? a? break? from? society? the? independence? they? both? have? discovered? gives? them? a? chance? to? get? to? know? each? other? as? men,? rather? in? the? white? boy? to? slave? setting.? The? lack? of? hypocrisy? and? society? injustice? on? the? island? is? a? paradise? neither? of? them? are? willing? to? give? up.? Seeing? the? murdered? man? in? the? floating? house? is? a? reminder? that? they? are? not? isolated? from? the? world.? Jim? wholeheartedly? intercepts? the? view? between? Huck? and? the? dead? man,? doing? his? best? to? keep? Huck’s? youth? and? emotion? in?  tact.? This? person? we? discover? at? the? end? of? the? novel? in? his? father? and? as? a? result? Huck? and? Jim? spend? their? time? on? the? raft.? The? raft? is? a? haven? of? brotherhood? and? equality,? as? both? are? looking? for? refuge? and? peace? from? a? society? that? has? treated? them? poorly.? The? time? Huck? spent? having? conversations? with? Jim? were? the? most? valuable? to? him? in? the? process? of? his? growth.? Discovering? the? only? true? difference? between? them? was? the? color? of? their? skin.? ? In? particular,? the? experience? of? Huck? meeting? the? Duke? and? the? Kind? causes? Huck’s? moral? transformation.? After? drifting? down? the? river? with? the? two? frequent? liars? Huck? creates? and? understanding? of? how? truly? wrong? it? is? to? lie? and? steal.? Prompting? Huck? to? change? his? actions thus? comprehending? the? wrong? he? would? have? been? doing? in? Tom? Sawyer’s? gang.? When? first? introduced? to? these? men? Huck,? Jim,? and? the? reader? are? trusting? knowing? the? King? has? â€Å"done? considerable? in? the? doctoring? way? in? [his]? time†? (92).? The? readers? is? experiencing? the? coming? of? age? alongside? huck? growing? with? him? and? making? the? same? mistakes,?whether? it? is? trusting? the? Duke? and? the? King? or? encouraging? Huck’s? lying? in? chaotic? situations.? It? is? the? King? and? Duke? that? illustrate? the? pain? lies? can? put? someone? through,? especially? after? pretending? to? be? family? of? Peter? Wilks? who? had? just? past? leaving? money? for? his? family.? It? is? clear? to? Huck? that? the? robbers? are? a? perfect? representation? of? the? greed? and? fraud? that? occurs? in? civilization.? This? civilization? Huck? is? suppose? to? return? to? is? â€Å"enough? to? make? a? body? ashamed? of? the? human? race. †? (162)? ? To? conclude,? Huck’s? journey?  with? Jim? alongside? evolves? his? character? into? discovering? the? desired? moral? compass.? Pointing? him? away? from? societies? norms? and? to? a? place? filled? with? moral? independence.? To? be? clear,? Huck? no? longer? wants? to? â€Å"tie? Jim? to? the? tree? for? fun,†? (4)? he? recognizes? the? feelings? and? intelligence? a? slave? can? have.? Ensuring? there? should? be? no? difference? in? the? way? whites? and? blacks? should? be? treated.? Huck? had? come? full? circle? after? his? journey? down? the? Mississippi,? putting? his? life? on? the? line? for? a? black? just? as? he? would? have? done? for?  any? of? his? friends.? Civilization? had? never? been? correct? in? the? way? generations? of? children? have? been? raised,? no? one? is? born? racist.? In? this? sense? it’s? true? that? Huck? never? lost? this? aspect? of? himself,? knowing? deep? down? that? all? men? were? created? equal.? â€Å"It? was? fifteen? minutes? before? I? could? work? myself? up? to? go? to? humble? myself? to? a? nigger? but? I? done? it,? and? I? warn’t? ever? sorry? for? it? afterwards,? neither.? I? didn’t? do? him? no? more? mean? tricks,? and? I? wouldn’t? done? that? one? if? I’d? knowed? it? would? make? him? feel? that? way. †? (65

Monday, January 20, 2020

Public Private Lives and Emersons Clairvoyant Solution :: Education Teachers Teaching Essays

Public Private Lives and Emerson's Clairvoyant Solution My intelligence was sparked when exceptional people opened doors in my mind I didn't know needed light. And while my parents played a part in this I remember more strongly the hand that my teachers played in expanding my mind. Generally there are certain aspects of school that a student remembers but always there is a teacher. For me there were several, and I know I was lucky. I do remember some of the lessons, a few specific classes, but what I remember more is how they acted as people and not just as teachers. I recall the way they taught me silently through the examples they set in their lives. Teachers, by the sheer nobility of their positions, have this responsibility whether they desire it or not. The historical nature of teachers was to educate with an enormous focus on the morality of the students. Education often came directly from the bibles of the students and the religious doctrine the church had decreed. Teacher's primary goals were to create good and moral citizens. Churches many times were the origin of the school doctrine. Horace Mann states that one of the three most essential elements of being a teacher is "the ability to manage and govern a schoolroom and to mold moral character" (Spring, 127). Emma Willard was of a similar opinion. Spring writes, "Willard believed that development of character was the first aim of education and placed a great deal of emphasis on that and on moral virtues" (Spring, 126). At this time moral education was held superior to the "standard", non-moral education of a child. These "standard" subjects were taught only second to religion, which in turn produced a very narrow education and a narrow view of the world. The strict view of morality forced the teacher, the classroom's 'moral example', to fulfill all of the scrupulous principles society demanded. Teaching was in the past, as it is in the present, a public position that leaves educators with limited security of privacy. This is easily exemplified through the boarding of teachers with the families of their students. The teacher would live for designated amounts of time with families in the communities. Is there any less private manner for a teacher to live their life? Teachers were constantly under the eye of scrutiny. Since that time many laws limiting the aspects of a teacher's life have been abolished.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Degree of Operating Leverage

Operating Leverage:Operating Leverage is the term that describes the impact on operating income of a change in the level of output. Brigham says that â€Å"If a high percentage of a firm’s costs are fixed, and hence do not decline when demand decreases, this increases he company’s business risk. This factor is called operating leverage. If a high percentage of a firm’s total costs are fixed, the firm is said to have a high degree of operating leverage. The degree of operating leverage (DOL) is defined as the percentage change in operating income (or EBIT) that results from a given percentage change in sales†¦.In effect, the DOL is an index number which measures the effect of a change in sales [number of units] on operating income, or EBIT.†Autron:Generally, the higher the operating leverage, the more a company's income is affected by fluctuation in sales volume. The higher income vs. sales ratio results from a smaller portion of variable costs, which means the Company does not have to pay as much additional money for each unit produced or sold. The more significant the volume of sales, the more beneficial the investment in fixed costs becomes. Applying this principle the operating leverage of Autron is in a good position and any change in sales volume will not violently affect the income of this company.Ambertech:The position of this company with respect to the Operating Leverage is not advantageous to the company as the ratio is high. It signifies that the fixed costs are at a higher level. This means that any small change in sales volume will adversely affect the profitability of the company.Degree of Financial LeverageCompanyDegree of Financial LeverageFinancial Leverage:‘Financial leverage’ is the term used to describe the impact on returns of a change to the extent to which the firm’s assets are financed with borrowed money. In their 1997 article Buccino and Mckinley define operating leverage as the impa ct of a change in revenue on profit or cash flow. It arises, they say, whenever a firm can increase its revenues without a proportionate increase in operating expenses. Cash allocated to increasing revenue, such as marketing and business development expenditures, are quickly â€Å"consumed by high fixed expenses.†Autron:The degree to which a business is utilizing borrowed money. Companies that are highly leveraged may be at risk of bankruptcy if they are unable to make payments on their debt; they may also be unable to find new lenders in the future. Financial leverage is not always bad, however; it can increase the shareholders return on their investment and often there are tax advantages associated with borrowing. Applying this basic principle, with a low financial leverage, this company is utlising very lower level of borrowed funds. The interest burden on the company will naturally be less and the company is financing its operations from its own sources.Ambertech:As again st the company Autron, this company has high financial leverage which implies that the borrowings are more for this company and the company is running the risk of higher interest payments and meeting their debt commitments on dates.Combined Leverage:A leverage ratio that summarizes the combined effect the degree of operating leverage (DOL), and the degree of financial leverage has on earnings per share (EPS), given a particular change in sales. This ratio can be used to help determine the most optimal level of financial and operating leverage to use in any firm. This ratio can be very useful, as it summarizes the effects of combining both financial and operating leverage, and what effect this combination, or variations of this combination, has on the corporation's earningsAutron:It should be noted that a firm with a relatively high level of combined leverage is seen as  riskier than a firm with less combined leverage, as the  high leverage means more fixed costs to the firm. On the basis of the combined leverage ratio, it can be stated that the company Auton is less riskier as the leverage ratio of – 4.296 is highly advantageous to the firm signifying a lower level of fixed costs and better profitability. As we have seen in the Operating Leverage for this Company, any change in sales volume will result in more profits.Ambertech:In contrast to the company Autron, this company has a higher operating and financial leverage which has resulted in a higher combined leverage. This situation implies that the company’s fixed costs are very high leading to lower profitability. Any change in sales volume will adversely affect the earnings of the company.References:1. Brigham, Eugene F., Fundamentals of Financial Management (1995).2. Buccino, Gerald P. and Kraig S. McKinley, â€Å"The Importance of Operating Leverage in a Turnaround,† Secured Lender (Sept./Oct. 1997), p. 64-68.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Stride Towards Freedom - 1358 Words

TOPIC: A STRIDE TOWARD FREEDOM: THE MONTGOMERY STORY BY: DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DISCUSSION LEADERS: LAVON CLARK III CHUK CHUKUDEBELU A brief summary about A Stride Toward Freedom: It gives a timeline of events ranging from Dr. King’s arrival to Montgomery, a journey that covers the bus boycotts through December 1, 1955 – December 21, 1956 of the South and then concludes with asking the important question located in the last chapter, â€Å"Where Do We Go From Here?† It focuses on MLK’s perspective of the people, events, and bus boycott procedures. A Stride Toward Freedom touches on not only a huge part of African American/Negro history but also American history with one of the first applications of nonviolent successful protest†¦show more content†¦After several successful protests, he started to get poor working whites rallied around equality. Soon after, he was assassinated. If Dr. King was alive today what would be different? Is this the kind of leadership and unity needed today as African-Americans rally against recent displays of racism and racial injustices? After reading Martin Luther King’s, Stride TowardShow MoreRelatedDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay871 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to King’s first book, Stride Toward Freedom, the six principles were, â€Å"1) Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people, 2) The Beloved Community is the framework for the future, 3) Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil, 4) Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve the goal, 5) Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence, and 6) The universe is on the side of justice† (Stride Towards Freedom). This quote highlights theRead MoreSocial Stratification and Inequality1093 Words   |  5 Pages(Schaefer 143). This issue dates all the way back to slavery in America and unequal treatment towards people of color. 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